Wednesday, 1 May 2019

May We Celebrate Labour Days

The 1st of May is called May Day world over and is celebrated as Labour Day in many countries.
The genesis of May Day and Labour Day come from the struggle of the labourers in US and other parts of the world in late 1800s for limiting their work day to 8 hours. It later got associated with the Marxist communist idealogy of the labour class being the toilers.
Today, the May Day, Labour Day celebration is a vestige of Marxist communism. We use the word vestige because the very ideology of Marxism, communism is tottering.
Ideas keep evolving through the ages. Different ideologies come up at frequent intervals. The not so sound ideologies, enforced by force, die down after their brutal, repressive force is spent. They come to an end by the force of nature, the nature of people and the collapsing nature of unsustainable practises that these ideologies espouse.One such ideology that is now in the brink of extinction is communism.
What happens on May Day?
i think u must watch on labourday
The Labour Day, May Day thought, where we are made to celebrate labour, is an idea propped up by the communists.  In the mid of last century, when communism was a raging thought in Russia, China, Cuba and such other countries, the might of the people, the military might, was showcased on May Day.


A Labour Day March

It was a day for showing solidarity and the might of the working class. They went on marches, waved flags and made bombastic speeches. This was their idea of May Day celebrations, which continues even today.
In contrast to this, in India, through the ages, in different parts of the land, the contribution of the people, the labour of the land were valued and celebrated, by venerating their skills and art.
Each variety of trade guild, had their own special labour day. It was a way of venerating their trade and trade equipment and a day for reflecting and paying respects to the great people, who had taught them the skills for the trade.

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